Date:  July 10, 2003                            Time Meeting Started:  6:00 p.m.                Time Meeting Ended:  7:20 p.m.     

Pat Stachowiak


Robert O’Donnell


Dave Blanton


Mark Searing


Richard Downey






Plan of Action

Hydro Lease modification for winter operation


Discussed the Illinois Department of Natural Resources is working on the program changes to allow the State employees the ability to set the dead bandwidth during the winter operation. Since the new dam has only one season of operation we would wait and see how the program works this next winter season.

Mr. O’Donnell plans to discuss with City Attorney, the Committee recommends putting the lease on hold and giving the IDONR the chance to correct the problems.

Purchase of transformers for the new Mid-Continent Fastener Service


The Electric Committee reviewed the proposals received for two service transformers and recommended accepting the lowest bid proposal from Resco in the amount of $28,000 with delivery in 11 wks. The Committee also recommended the purchase of one spare transformer from Universal Utility Supply in the amount of $14,430.00 with delivery in 5-6 wks. To meet earlier service needs.

City Council approval on the Consent Agenda to purchase three transformers from the two suppliers.

Reviewed the Utility Service bill payment plans and deposit procedure

Discussed the need to improve customer options and easier ways to do business with the City of Rock Falls. The E-Pay program training is scheduled for July 15, 2003. The Electric Committee also reviewed a Deferred Payment Plan. The Caselle Billing Program has provisions for this plan. The Committee also reviewed the service deposits that have been charged to customers and not refunded.

For all Residential homeowners, no service deposit is to be charged unless one of the four Rate Ordinance conditions exists. All electric heat apartment and rental properties. Deposits for Commercial and Industrial accounts will be reviewed by the City Administrator and Electrical Director. A list of Commercial account deposits in good standing will be compiled for City Council consideration.

Purchase of a replacement Chassis for Truck #108

The Electric Committee discussed the purchase options for a 550 Ford 4x4 Chassis for the bucket device on our existing 1998 Ford Chassis 250 that is too small for the equipment on it.

City Council approval on the Consent Agenda to purchase the Chassis through the State bid process.

EPA new rules on spill prevention control for Substation and Generating Substations

Mr. O’Donnell explained to the Electric Committee Municipal’s must have a spill control plan designed by a professional engineer in place this year. The plan is to include all substations, transformers, fuel tanks and fuel unloading areas.

Mr. O’Donnell plans to obtain a proposal from the Barnes, Henry, Meisenheimer and Gende firm in the St. Louis area who have designed plans for most of the IMEA cities.

City communication network repair and maintenance

Discussed the demands of some departments on instantaneous repairs to system failures. Mr. O’Donnell explained this is a service provided by the Electric Department, not a top priority.

On-going discussion on this subject at future meetings.