Date:   January 14, 2004     Time Meeting Started:  6:00 p.m.            Time Meeting Ended:  7:30 p.m.

Dave Blanton


Mark Searing


Pat Stachowiak


Jim Simpson


Robert O’Donnell


City Administrator, Richard Downey








Plan of Action


The Customer Service Center requested the Delayed Payment period to more than the present 15 days.


The Committee reviewed the present Ordinance that extended the grace period from 10 to 15 days.  Electric bills are due on receipt; the 15 day grace is to encourage customers to pay the utility bill before the penalty is accessed.  If the due date falls on Saturday or Sunday, the customer will need to pay the bill on Friday.

The Committee agreed no change was necessary.

Purchase of transmission poles for Industrial Park Road – 34.5 KV line


The present poles are 30-years old and have deteriorated over time, especially in the low areas where one broke off in a wind storm. The Committee agreed to purchase one truck load in January, 2004 and another in February, 2004.

Approval of purchase orders #1739 in the amount of $23,022.00 and #1747 in the amount of $22,772.00 – would be put on the City Council Consent Agenda.

Review the Electrical Director Job Advertisement Interview Team Ad Profile of Candidate.

The Committee suggested some changes in the advertisement.  Alderman Stachowiak plans to make the adjustments. The Committee agreed the Personnel Committee would conduct the candidate interviews, along with Richard Downey, Bob O’Donnell and Sherry Wind.  Salary ranges, direction and goals of the Electric Utility, job description would be reviewed at the next meeting.

City Council approval of the Interview Team and permission to advertise the position.

Utility deposit refunds to customers with a reputable payment history for the past two years.

The Committee reviewed approximately 80 accounts that were eligible for a refund and agreed this should be allowed.

The Committee recommended City Council approval to allow the deposit refund for these customers on the Consent Agenda.

Purchase of Defibrillators for the crew trucks and shop.

The Committee agreed to allow the purchase of four defibrillators through the

State of Illinois bid process.  The Service Truck and two line trucks would carry one and one for the shop.

The Committee recommended City Council approval to allow the purchase on the Consent Agenda.

Reviewed the Deposit Ordinance and Deferred Payment Plan.

The Committee reviewed a recent disconnect list to determine if the City Ordinance and Policy was being followed.  The Committee advised Mr. Richard Downey to review the procedures and Ordinances to see if they are being followed.

City Administrator, Richard Downey plans on checking into the Ordinances and policies.

Funding for a Grocery Store market study.

Richard Downey discussed the need for a market study to help the City attract a new Grocery Store to the area. The suggested funding source would be 60% from the Electric; 20% each from Water & Sewer.

The Committee recommended City Council approval on the Consent Agenda to all the suggested funding source and move ahead with the study.


Funding for the Rock Falls Community Development Corporation short fall.

The Committee discussed the impact of the 1 mill adder to the Electric Rates. The raise would impact some customers over a $100.00 a month with an expected revenue of $76,854.00 over a year.

The Committee recommended there would not be a rate increase at this time.