Date:   May 3, 2004     Time Meeting Started:  6:00 p.m.                   Time Meeting Ended:  7:10 p.m.

Dave Blanton


Robert O’Donnell


Pat Stachowiak


City Administrator, Richard Downey


Mark Searing










Plan of Action


2004 Projects in progress or planned for the Electric Department


Mr. O’Donnell reviewed the status of projects the department is presently working on and what is left to do; material needed and the priority of the project.

No action necessary.

Update on the telecommunications project Rock Falls has been working with IMBCA members along I-88


Mr. O’Donnell advised of an IMBCA Business Meeting being held in Rochelle, IL on May 13, 2004 to review and amend the By-laws to allow higher education schools to become members and finalize the toll road lease contract, our attorney, Troy Fodor is currently working on along with the member agreement.

Report back to the Committee next month.

Review the delinquent account problem and year write-offs

Mr. O’Donnell advised the dollar amount being written off has a 1% loss of revenue, monies the Electric Department comes up short in the O&M account.  A collection system other than the RR Collection Agency needs to be looked at.  We are investigating the statue of limitations for Utility Bill Collections and if the bankruptcy rules are being followed (collection of 100% after the bankruptcy filing date).   The Committee also reviewed the different ways to estimate the customer utility bills.

The Electric Committee recommended the 11-month average be used instead of the same month one year back for averaging.

American Public Power Association Conference

The Electric Committee reviewed the program and budgeted amount for these type of conferences and recommended two elected and two staff would be allowed to attend.   The APPA Conference will be held June 20 – 23, 2004 in Seattle, WA.  The estimated expenses to attend would be approximately $1600.00 per person.

Request City Council approval to allow four to attend the APPA Conference in Seattle, WA (Mayor Mulvaney, Alderman Blanton, Bob O’Donnell & Paul Jakubczak)

IMEA requires each member to have a representative from their town serve on the Board of Directors

The Electric Committee reviewed the letter from the IMEA Manager & CEO, Ron Earl recommending Bob O’Donnell remain on the board through February, 2005.  The Electric Committee concurred with Mr. Earl’s recommendation.

The Electric Committee intends to recommend City Council approval for this request.

Insight Pole Attachment contract renewal

Mr. O’Donnell advised the IMEA and City Attorney’s have been working with the Cable Companies across Illinois to get a contract worked out and approved.  The Cable Companies are not responding to any contract changes.  It is being recommended the City’s involved pass Ordinances adopting the contract as written and present it to the Cable Company as the final document.

Mr. Downey plans to review this with the City Attorney.

Executive Session to discuss personnel issues