Electric Department

Technicians working on outdoor electrical equipment.

About our Electric Department

The City of Rock Falls Electric Department (RFED) is a nationally recognized electric utility, providing service to Rock Falls residents. A proud member of the American Public Power Association, RFED operates the Hydroelectric Generation Facility on the Rock River, as well as nine peaking generators throughout the city.

Our electric utility is maintained by eight to 10 linemen, a customer service center staff and various service personnel. The dedicated and hard working employees of the City of Rock Falls are the reason for the success and national recognition that our utility has received. The utility’s exemplary safety record is due to their attention to detail and high standards of personal performance.

Electric Department

Contact Information

Larry Hanrahan
Electric Director

Additional Information

Rock Falls Electric Utility RP3 Platinum Designation

The City of Rock Falls is a nationally recognized municipal electric agency. Rock Falls Electric Utility is one of only three communities in Illinois with the RP3 designation. The American Public Power Association RP3 program recognizes utilities that demonstrate high proficiency in four areas: reliability, safety, work force development and system improvement. Criteria within each of the four RP3 areas are based upon sound business practices and recognized industry best practices. The RP3 Program shines a light on our utility for the excellent service it provides to our customers.

Backup and Emergency Generation

The City of Rock Falls Electric has nine peaking power generators that can produce 17 megawatts of electricity for peak shaving or emergency generation. The generators are in strategic locations throughout our electric service area. Rock Falls has contracted diesel fuel delivery service which can deliver 24 hours per day, 365 days a year so emergency generation will not be altered when needed.

Hydroelectric Facility

The Hydroelectric facility uses the pool created by the Sinnissippi Dam, which was originally constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1907.

In 2013, the two megawatt hydroelectric plant had a 20 year rebuild which will make the facility even more productive and efficient to assist the City in its 24 megawatt peak demand.

To provide the highest quality, lowest cost energy service to our customer-owners.


  • To satisfy all of the customers all of the time.
  • To provide an enjoyable work environment that encourages and develops competent highly-motivated employees.
  • To promote a consistent, workable relationship with other departments in the city and outside communities.
  • To develop and maintain a leadership image.
  • To operate within the cities rules, policies and approved contracts.
  • To be a respected provider.

Reliable Public Power Provider Designations

  • 2018-2019 Platinum
  • 2015-2018 Gold
  • 2013-2015 Gold
  • 2010-2011 Platinum
  • 2008-2009 Platinum
  • 2006-2007 Platinum

American Public Power Awards

  • 2014 Safety Award
  • 2013 Safety Award
  • 2012 Safety Award
  • 2011 Safety Award
  • 2008 Safety Award

Check out the live monitoring of our solar generation at the Rock Falls Electric Utility Facility

Click here for live monitoring.

Certificate of Completion
Net Metering Application
Interconnection Agreement
Ordinance 2022-2552

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