City Council & Committees

Person swearing in at a formal meeting.

City Council

The City Council is the city’s main governing body and meets the first and third Tuesday of each month to perform formal business. The fourth Monday of the month the City Council holds the Committee of Whole meeting where they discuss but do not conduct official business.

Eight council members, two selected from each of the four wards, serve staggered four-year terms. The Mayor is elected by a city-wide election held every four years and serves as the chairperson of the Council.

The Council has a diverse number of powers. In general terms, it sets policy for the city. It devises a budget for the year and approves it, appoints members to committees serving the city, approves new hires with the city and sets the tax levy for the year. Additionally it determines speed limits within town, decides where stop signs should be placed, and attends to the Electric, Water, Sewer and Garbage utilities. They also oversee the Police and Fire departments as well as ensures public safety through the (ESDA) and the building department.

Please feel free to contact any of the City Council through the main offices at City Hall

Phone: (815) 622-1100
Fax: (815) 622-1113

City Alderman

You may contact any of the City Aldermen via information below or contact City Hall at 815-622-1100.

Find out which ward you live in by viewing our ward map.

Ward Boundry Map

Ward boundary map of Rock Falls, Illinois.
Fourth Ward
Fourth Ward
Third Ward
First Ward
First Ward

Committees, Boards & Commissions

Each City Alderman is a member of one of the committees, which assist the council. Committees make recommendations to the City Council and in turn the Council acts on those recommendations. Below is information on each of the committees and boards.

Meets: As Needed

Overview:  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Review Committee discusses any ADA complaints or issues within the City of Rock Falls. The Committee reviews the city’s Accessibility Plan, and checks compliance with the Illinois accessibility code.

Chair: Mark Searing


  • Alan Petersohn
  • Emily Witt
  • Sandy Lichner
  • Mike Maxwell

Meets: First Wednesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. at the City Hall North End conference rooms.

Overview: The committee shall review and recommend to the city council, any building code changes deemed to be necessary for the City of Rock Falls. Additionally they will assist the Building Inspector in recommending guideline to the City Council for which homes within the city limits are investigated for building code violations and or remediation.

Chair: Brian Snow


  • Violet Sobottka
  • Bill Wangelin
  • Sally Scanlan
  • Chris King
  • Mark Searing

Meets: As necessary on the fourth Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Overview: This committee is a discussion Committee of the City Council, and consists of all of the members of the City Council. No actions and or recommendations can be made or voted on at these meetings.

Meets: As needed


  • David Blanton
  • Chris King
  • Jeff Guthrie
  • Gary Camarano
  • Violet Sobottka
  • Gabriella McKanna
  • Robbin Blackert
  • Rod Kleckler
  • Mark Searing

Meets: Second Tuesday of each month at 5:30p.m. in the City Council Chambers.



  • Melinda Jones
  • Amy Williamson
  • Paul Gierhart
  • John Larson
  • Jim Schuneman

Meets: Fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Overview: The Committee shall review the finances of each of the Municipal Utilities, as well as, the General Fund. They shall make recommendations to the City Council regarding the long and short term financial well-being of those entities. They shall be charged with creation and supervision of the City Budget in association with the City Administrator and Office of the City Clerk. They shall also review information regarding the Health/Dental/liability Insurance for the City. They shall make recommendations to the City Council regarding these items from time to time. . In addition, they shall review the investments of the City and shall make recommendations on those investments.

Chair: Gabriella McKanna


  • Cody Dornes
  • Bill Wangelin
  • Cathy Arduini

Meets: As Needed


  • Cris Bouwens
  • Chris Heier
  • Dave Northcutt
  • Kyle Sommers

Meets: Third Thursday of each month at 4:00p.m. in the City Hall north end conference rooms.

Overview: The committee is involved in the sale and use of land within Rock Falls, and Industrial Parks .

Chair: Michael Clark


  • Brian Snow
  • Dave Devries
  • John Larson
  • Mike Corrigan
  • Patty Martinez

Meets: As Needed


  • Scott Winter
  • Bill Brown
  • Brian Degen

Meets: Fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Overview: The Committee shall review all proposed Ordinance changes and shall make recommendations for adoption. Any license applications referred from the City Clerk’s Office shall be reviewed prior to awarding the license. In addition, they shall be charged with interviewing for all positions of the City with the exception of the Police and or Fire Services. They shall also review on a quarterly basis reports covering worker compensation incidents, as well as, liability and property claims against the City.  Review Department Safety meeting minutes and take any necessary action to insure compliance of all safety policy and procedures. If the office of City Administrator is vacant for any reason, the Committee shall also be involved in the IBEW Grievance process at step 2.

Chair: Violet Sobottka


  • Brian Snow
  • Cody Dornes
  • Gabriella McKanna
  • Cathy Arduini

Meets: Second Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Overview: The board reviews zoning changes and variances brought to the city by land owners.

Acting Chair: Tony Sosi


  • Don Koehler
  • Rick Turnroth
  • Chuck Koehler
  • Stephanie Brall
  • Marv Blix
  • Randy Conkling
  • Jeff Brown
  • Tony Sosi

Meets: As needed.

Chair: Tim Lawrence


  • Mike Kuelper
  • Tim Cain
  • Pam Erby

Meets: Third Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers

Overview: The Committee shall receive from time to time information regarding the operations of the Police and Fire Departments. They shall review work procedures, manning and make recommendations to the City Council following consultation with the Fire and Police Chiefs respectively. The committee does not replace or supersede the Police & Fire Commission established under Illinois Revised Statue, Chapter 24, 10-2.1-1

Chair: Bill Wangelin


  • Cody Dornes
  • Steve Dowd
  • Gabriella McKanna

Meets: First Thursday of each month at 8:15am. in the City Council Chambers.

Overview: The committee is charged with the overseeing the Street and garbage services of the city. This committee reviews information and makes recommendations as are necessary to the city council. Department considerations include, but are not limited to the items covered under the current Garbage refuse contract, and any roads, sidewalks, curbs and or ADA compliance matters. In addition, the committee oversees all the property that the City owns and is intended to be used by the public, including public buildings and parking lots.

Chair: Bill Wangelin


  • Steve Dowd
  • Gabriella McKanna

Meets: Second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers.


  • The Committee is responsible for the review of proposals, submitted requesting tourism grant funds and recommendation to the Council of those projects that meet the requirements as outlined in the Illinois Statue. In addition, the committee will coordinate with the Tourism Director on all operations to do with advertising, conferences, trade shows, as well as, membership in other related tourism programs. In addition, tourism will be responsible for usage requests of the RB&W Riverfront property and the Veteran’s Memorial Park (Galt Avenue & 5th Street), as well as the area known as the “slab” until such time the property is sold and is no longer usable for community events.

Chair: Brian Tribley


  • Bill Wangelin
  • Betsy Bunning
  • Mike Myers
  • Tom Henry
  • Sam Smith

Meets: Fourth Monday of each month at 8:15 a.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Overview: The Utilities Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the operations of the Electric, Water, Wastewater, Broadband (Rock Falls Fiber.Net) and the Customer Service Office. All recommendations of Finance or Policy and Procedures will be sent to the City Council for final approval. There responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to development of Capital plans, both long and short term including their implementation. In addition,  monitoring performance accountability, identify key performance areas, indicators and metrics, establish bench marking to measure utility performance,  communicate utility performance to community stakeholders, and provide long-term goals and strategies to insure; reliability, affordability, responsibility, safety and quality of life. Any Utility projects involving streets and or alleys should be coordinated with the Public Works/Public Property Committee.

Chair: Tom Myers


  • Steve Dowd
  • Brian Snow
  • Administrator Robbin Blackert
  • Shane Brown
  • Kim Groharing
  • Bill Wangelin
Today's Meetings
Agendas & Minutes