Bids and Notices
Bids and Notices
The City of Rock Falls is seeking proposals for the establishment of a solid waste, yard waste and recycling collection and disposal service beginning July 1, 2025
Information about TIF Districts
Are you trying to understand TIF Districts?
Information can be found below for the Rock Falls Downtown TIF.
Prevailing Wage
The General Assembly of the State of Illinois has enacted the Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq. (“Act”)
The Act requires that all Illinois governmental entities, including home rule units of local government, either accept the prevailing wages determined by the Illinois Department of Labor or investigate and ascertain the prevailing rate of wages as defined in the Act for workers employed to perform work on public works construction projects in the locality in which the work is performed.
The City Clerk shall, by posting on the City’s website a notice of its determination (a copy of the most recent Ordinance) with a hyperlink to the prevailing wage schedule that is published on the official website of the Illinois Department of Labor, and such posting shall constitute notice that the determination is effective and that this is the determination of the City.