Water Services

Worker repairing a pipe in a muddy trench.

About our Water Services

Every year the Water Department submits a report to the public regarding the quality of the water that we provide to homes and businesses. Please direct any questions regarding this report to the Water Department at (815) 622-1100 or email the Water Superintendent Ted Padilla directly with any questions you may have.

Water Services

Contact Information

Water Department
Ted Padilla
Water Superintendent


High water bill? You might have a water leak. Learn more in our Water Education Center.

Water Rates

The following are the water rates for the City of Rock Falls.

Each year the Water and Electric Departments award a $1,000 Scholarship to a High School Senior. Pictured is recipient Morgan Folgers.

Rates Effective
May 1, 2022

Rates Effective
May 1, 2023

Rates Effective
May 1, 2024

Rates Effective
May 1, 2025

Debt Service Charge$4.85$4.85$4.85$4.85
Customer Service Charge for Capital Improvements$3.50$3.50$3.50$3.50
Basic User Charge$12.80$13.00$13.25$13.45
Basic User Rate$5.00$5.25$5.45$5.70

This rate applies to industrial water users.

Meter Size (in inches)Minimum Monthly Effective May 1, 2022Minimum Monthly Effective May 1, 2023Minimum Monthly Effective May 1, 2024Minimum Monthly Effective May 1, 2025Water Usage Allowance Included in Minimum (in Cubic Feet)
Excess of the Allowance per 100 Cubic Feet$5.00$5.25$5.45$5.70

When one (1) meter serves multiple residential dwelling units or multiple commercial units, the minimum charge established in this section for single-family residential dwellings shall be applied as though each residential unit or each commercial unit within the multiple residential dwelling or multiple commercial unit building was served by a separate meter, and consumption and usage charges established for single-family residential dwellings shall be applied as though each residential or commercial unit was served by a separate meter.

Rate CategoryDescription
Debt Service ChargeDebt-incurred water quality improvements. Used for 1991 plant improvement to improve water quality: filter upgrade, additional shallow well, reservoir with and aeration system and booster pump. 2001 plant improvement with additional filter and storage reserves and office area.
Customer Service Charge for Capital ImprovementsCapital Improvements. Used for upgrading and improving water mains, plant equipment, water towers, hydrants, etc.
Basic User ChargeUsed for salaries, insurance, distribution operation and maintenance, plant operation and maintenance, service leaks, water main leaks, vehicle repairs, etc.
Basic User RateAs above.