City Administration

Scenic river view with autumn colors and path.


Several management departments make up the City of Rock Falls’ Administration. Included are the offices of the City Clerk and the City Administrator, as well as Finance and Human Resources. These departments work together to provide resources, staffing, coordination and administrative oversight for all City services, including public utilities operations. The Administration department also carries out and enforces City policy and regulations for the safety, health and general welfare of all citizens, customers, City departments and employees.

Administration Staff

Smiling woman with reddish hair in a patterned top.
Robbin D. Blackert
City Administrator

The City Administrator reports directly to the City Council and is responsible for implementing the policy directives of the City Council and for managing day-to-day operations. As the chief administrative officer, she manages the annual budget and supervises the operation of all departments, offices and agencies of the City government, ensuring that the community is served in a responsive and fiscally responsible manner.

Smiling older woman wearing a blue jacket.
Kay Abner
City Treasurer

The City Treasurer shall perform such duties as may be prescribed for her by statute or by ordinance. She shall receive all money paid in to the city, either directly from the person paying it or from the hands of such other officer as may receive it, and she shall pay out money only on warrants, vouchers or orders properly signed by the mayor and countersigned by the City Clerk.

Matt Cole
City Attorney — Ward, Murray, Pace and Johnson, P.C.

The City Attorney is appointed by the mayor and with the consent of the council. It is the Attorney’s responsibility to act as the city’s legal advisor, and shall render advice on all legal questions affecting the city, whenever requested to do so by any city official. Duties also include drafting leases, ordinances and contracts as well as prosecute or defend any and all suits or actions to which the city may be party.

Michelle Conklin
Business Office Superintendent/Deputy City Clerk
Mark Searing
ADA Coordinator
Council and Committee

Agendas and Minutes

Listed below are the approved City Council and City Committee meeting agendas and minutes. Minutes are normally posted after they are approved at the meeting immediately following the meeting they were for, hence there will be a lag of a period of time between the meeting and when minutes are posted. Some minutes are approved at the same meeting they are for, and will be posted the day of the meeting. Please check back for posted minutes. Please feel free to download any of the sets of minutes for your own perusal.
Proposed Budget Book FY 25
Category: Finance
City Council Packet
Meeting Date: 03/04/2025
City Council Packet
Meeting Date: 02/18/2025
City Council Packet
Meeting Date: 02/04/2025
City Council Packet
Meeting Date: 01/21/2025
City Council
Meeting Date: 01/05/2025
City Council
Meeting Date: 02/18/2025
City Council
Meeting Date: 03/04/2025
City Council
City Council Agenda Packet


Committee Meeting Schedule

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a state statute that provides the public the right to access government documents and records. The premise behind FOIA is that the public has a right to know what the government is doing. The law provides that a person can ask a public body for a copy of its records on a specific subject and the public body must provide those records, unless there is an exemption in the statute that protects those records from disclosure (for example: records containing information concerning trade secrets or personal privacy).
Illinois Attorney General

Rock Falls FOIA

To access public records from the City of Rock Falls, download and complete our FOIA form below. Please print and submit your requests with any required payment (see below) to the City Clerk’s office at 603 W. 10th Street. Emailed requests can be sent to [email protected].

Records requests for the Freedom of Information Act have the following costs associated with them:

  • Records/maps (8.5″ x 11″): First 50 pages are free, additional pages at $.15 each.
  • Records/maps greater than (8.5″ x 14″) irregular size or color: Actual cost of processing
  • Certified copy of documents: $3.00 each.
  • Accident reports: $5.00 for the first 50 pages, additional pages at $.15 each.
  • Incident reports: $2.00 for the first 50 pages, additional pages at $.15 each.
  • Subpoena: $20.00 for the first 50 pages, additional pages are $.15 each.
  • Photo CD: $5.00 each.
  • Color Photos: Color Photos will be the actual cost of processing.
Download FOIA Form

Foreclosure Notices & Confirmations

Foreclosure Notices & Confirmations can be sent to the City of Rock Falls Business Office at 603 W. 10th Street, Rock Falls, IL 61071 or it can emailed to [email protected].