City Ordinances

Scenic autumn view along a river path.

City Ordinances

The City maintains its current ordinances on for review and printing.  To see and print ordinances, proceed to the Municode site by clicking the Municode logo below.

Note: Because of limitations, recently passed ordinances are posted to the site yearly. For recent changes, please contact the City Clerk’s office at 815-622-1100.

MuniCode logo for municipal coding services
Ordinance, License, Personnel and Safety


Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 12/26/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 05/23/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 06/27/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 07/25/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 08/22/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 09/19/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 09/26/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 10/24/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 11/27/2024
Ordinance, License, Personnel, Safety Committee
Meeting Date: 12/26/2024


Meets: Fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

Overview: The Committee shall review all proposed Ordinance changes and shall make recommendations for adoption. Any license applications referred from the City Clerk’s Office shall be reviewed prior to awarding the license. In addition, they shall be charged with interviewing for all positions of the City with the exception of the Police and or Fire Services. They shall also review on a quarterly basis reports covering worker compensation incidents, as well as, liability and property claims against the City.  Review Department Safety meeting minutes and take any necessary action to insure compliance of all safety policy and procedures. If the office of City Administrator is vacant for any reason, the Committee shall also be involved in the IBEW Grievance process at step 2.

Chair: Violet Sobottka


  • Brian Snow
  • Cody Dornes
  • Gabriella McKanna
  • Cathy Arduini