Council and Committee Agendas and Minutes

Listed below are the approved City Council and City Committee meeting agendas and minutes.  Minutes are normally posted after they are approved at the meeting immediately following the meeting they were for, hence there will be a lag of a period of time between the meeting and when minutes are posted. Some minutes are approved at the same meeting they are for, and will be posted the day of the meeting.  Please check back for minutes being posted.

Please feel free to download any of the sets of minutes for your own perusal.

For previous year’s agendas and minutes, please visit our download library.

2015 Agendas and Minutes

City Council
[ws_table id=”1″]
[ws_table id=”2″]
Building Code
[ws_table id=”3″]
Committee of the Whole
[ws_table id=”5″]
Electric Department
[ws_table id=”6″]
Finance, Insurance and Investment

[ws_table id=”4″]

Groundwater (Ad Hoc)
[ws_table id=”13″]
Hennepin Canal
[ws_table id=”12″]
Industrial Development
[ws_table id=”7″]
Ordinance, License, Personnel and Safety
[ws_table id=”8″]
Planning & Zoning
[ws_table id=”9″]
Police and Fire Committee
[ws_table id=”10″]
Public Works
[ws_table id=”11″]
Social Media (Ad Hoc)
[ws_table id=”14″]